
LP – GREL 91

The album mixes electronics and reggae/dancehall sounds in a nearly flawless way. The album opener is a rocksteady digital bomb, 'E20' sounds like Kraftwerk on dope – the biblical lyrics providing a very good tension to get the attention for the rest. All the songs on the album are studio experiments with Smith's soulful vocals, the lyrics are slowly moving away from the traditional 'sensi'-kind of lyrics, we get some impressions about love (Love Don't Love Me, Hard to Believe), traditional roots (My Lord, My God), humor (Walk Like Granny) as well as fame issues (Icky All Over).
But at least one sensimilla-smokin' song is necessary and if that smoking track is 'Under Mi Sleng Teng' all lyrical cheesefest is forgiven. It still sounds as fresh, as breathtaking as it was in '85, it still gives inspiration for reggae producers, and will never ever grow old/dated.